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I don't mean to offend mental health care professionals or psychiatrists. God bless your souls for listening to twentysomething-year-old after twentysomething-year-old complain about being sad because their lives are "too perfect." Monday morning drinker's depression is a hell of a phenomenon. The crazies I'm referring to are the kind of people who are incapable of being treated with psychotherapy and medication. They're not crazy as in, "I come from a long line of bipolar people." They're crazy as in, "I come from a long line of bathtub birth giving, placenta eating, alligator wrangling, nudists." With that said, read on to learn eight signs your date is the incurable kind of crazy.
1. Your date repeats your name after every sentence. Statements like "I really like your hair, Savannah.*" "Come with me to the movies, Savannah" and "This is really good water, Savannah." lead to statements like... "I'm going to stalk you and then eat your internal organs** SAVANNAH."
*If the person speaks English as a second language, they can maybe get away with overusing your name, assuming they don't possess any of the seven qualities below.
**Never eat your placenta. No one should ever wet their palette with the taste of human blood. Your children will most likely become creeps who end every sentence with their date's name. They will then go on to eat their date's internal organs.
2. They're obsessed with the color pink, stuffed animals, dolls, or anything else a six to seven-year-old would adore. When I was in elementary school, I had a teacher who was obsessed with strawberries. She would wear strawberry hats, shoes, socks, and spray herself with strawberry scented perfume every hour, on the hour. I'm pretty sure she had a cat, or seven dressed as little strawberries waiting for her at home. I imagine the seven cats chased around seven little mice, also dressed as strawberries. I'm also picturing ten or more music boxes simultaneously playing "It's a Small World" to serve as theme music in the cat and mouse strawberry house. Even my nine and a half year-old self had the sense to keep an arms distance from this fruit basket (is the pun ever really not intended anymore?). I was always halfway out the door before the bell would ring to go home each day.
3. They make prolonged eye contact. If you're not one of the 99.9% of people who are uncomfortable with prolonged eye contact, you're most likely spending your Friday nights prancing naked around your living room on mushrooms while dressed as a clown from the neck up.
4. Your date has illogical fears. Fears like those of snakes, heights, or even atomic bombs are perfectly healthy ones. These aforementioned phobias keep you from being injected with poisonous venom or plummeting to your death from an altitude of 5,000 feet. However, if you're on a date with someone and they mention they have a fear of say... wooden cabinetry, flip your plate over and get the fuck out of there!
I once dated a girl who had both a phobia of birds and of movie theater screens. She wasn't just afraid of the flea ridden Pigeon type of bird (which I totally get) but ANY type of bird. Even Toucan Sam would send her into a state of hysteria. I thank my lucky stars we never watched Sesame Street. The sight of a six foot tall yellow bird with eye lashes would have undoubtedly caused her to permanently take on the mindset of a finger sucking toddler. But she would of course, take on this immature mindset just shortly after she's finished murdering me with an ice pick.
5. Your date is wearing pigtails. Shove her ass into the nearest Walgreens pharmacy and run like hell. I know I said these are signs your date is the untreatable kind of crazy but, it can't hurt to give her opiates. Plus, Walgreens will have a large selection of hair ribbons to keep her occupied.
6. They're two or more of the following:
- Polyamorous
- A Burning Man enthusiast
- Permanently surprised (but only in their eyeballs)
- A hula-hooping professional
- A tarot card reader
- A dog walker
- A permanent smiler
- An awkward and overabundant user of emoticons
- A limp hand-shaker
- One with an excessive laugh
- Unemployed
8. They elaborate on astrology. The astrology conversation can go one of two ways:
Normal person: "Hey what's your sign?"
You: "I'm an Aquarius."
Normal person: "Oh, cool."
Bat shit crazy person: "Hey what's your sign?"
You: "Oh, I'm an Aquarius."
Bat shit crazy person: "That means at this very moment your Jupiter moon is aligned perfectly with the 32 percent tilt in the earth's axis. We are all celestial beings and Venus says now is the time for self-evaluation and great growth. I believe firmly in the role the universe plays in molding the present and creating the future. We are all just who we are... We're just stuck inside this big playground of planets, stars, and drugs. You know?"
There you have it, eight solid signs that all point to bath salt smoking, crazy. Stay tuned for more on the Kardashians and how Bruce and Kris Jenner are the cutest lesbian couple in America.
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